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Preview: How to Help Customers with Cooling System Issues

Learn about an upcoming podcast episode that we are producing where we will go into detail about how to solve cooling system issues.

HDPR Live # 69: When a customer with a commercial truck comes into the parts store with cooling system issues you have two choices.

You can simply provide them with the parts they ask for or you can dig a little deeper and make sure that you provide them with everything they need to solve the root causes of the problem and get that truck back on the road.

In this episode, we will discuss how to help customers with cooling issues solve the root cause and provide them with everything they need to fix the truck the right way the first time.

Semi-truck being towed with cooling system issues.
Semi-Truck Being Towed with a Cooling System Issues

We will be going into more detail on an upcoming podcast episode that will air on Monday, October 25, 2021. Subscribe to the show so you don’t miss out.

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Complete Transcript of the Live Stream:

This is a preview of an upcoming podcast episode that will have a complete transcript. The episode will air on October 25, 2021, and we will supply a link to that episode at that time.

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