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Why You Need to Know About Kingpin Specialists

One of the most crucial parts used when hauling a trailer is quite often overlooked. I am talking of course about the kingpin. When was the last time you truly looked and inspected your kingpin?

Recently we interviewed Rich Lefebvre of Kingpin Specialists.

The Role of the Kingpin

When it comes to hauling, the kingpin is one of the most important parts. It is the only part keeping the trailer connected to the truck. With the kingpin being such a crucial part though, why do so many people seem to overlook or forget about it?

Frankly put, unless it is wearing out and making lots of noise, people usually do not pay much attention to it. However, usually, when it gets to that point of being noticed, there is already considerable wear or damage to it. That is where Kingpin Specialists come in.

What will Kingpin Specialists do for you?

“What we do for our customers is we try to find the sweet spot where we give you the most value for the life of the kingpin and the jaws of the 5th wheel. Ensure you get maximum wear characteristics from both pieces of equipment,” said Rich Lefebvre, CEO of Kingpin Specialists.

When you do notice damage done to either the kingpin or a trailer, the main problem can sometimes be harder to track down. Why is that?

“It’s almost like cancer when a trailer gets married up with a damaged kingpin, the trailer then becomes damaged. Down the line when you connect that trailer to a new kingpin, that damage is then transferred to the new kingpin,” continues Rich Lefebvre, CEO of Kingpin Specialists.

In a fleet this can become a vicious cycle, that may be very hard to track down and fix. But that is where Kingpin Specialists come in. They work hard to find where the damage happens, and how to get it back under control.

Try to find where the damage takes place on the kingpins, and how to get it back under control to be able to maintain, and get the most life out of your trailers, and kingpins. If there is damage that needs some attention, Kingpin Specialists can make the repairs in a couple of hours, instead of needing to take it into the shop to get replaced. This saves it from being out of commission for a week while it gets repaired.

Commercial Liability 

The world we live in is much different than it was 25 years ago. Liability now is the biggest thing. You want to make sure that your trailer is guaranteed to still be attached when you make it to your destination. By having a company that does nothing but specialize in ensuring that your trailer makes it to its destination safe, you can have that confidence every time you drive.

To learn more, go to KingpinSpecialists.com.

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Author: Taron H.

Taron is the Marketing Manager at The Heavy-Duty Parts Report.


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